Winning (or Whining) With Bim?

Will Architects Win- ie Regain Relevance- by Adopting BIM? BIM. What exactly is it?  If you’re like me, you may automatically think of a particular software system- a step up from 2D AutoCAD- like Revit, Archicad, Bentley, or any number of other 3D software systems on the market.  After attending a few seminars on BIM over the past 5 years, including the one I’m currently attending- the new 40-hour…


The Backstory

“The only joy in the world is to begin.”- Cesare Pavese   On Deciding to Blog There’s a lot of responsibility in running and writing your own blog.  I have prefered the freedom of posting on various forums whenever I felt I had something of value to say. Or simply on a whim.  Writing on demand…


The History of Indigo

If you write a blog, then you know how daunting it can be to choose a Domain Name for your blogsite.  Or maybe it was easy for you.  For me, it wasn’t as obvious.  After writing down about an hundred ideas, I kept coming back to the word Indigo and, being a sole proprietor, it only made…
